Data Driven revenue

We build systems for B2B companies to write personalized and relevant cold email at scale to get positive responses from your prospects leading to more opportunities.

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Our features

Discover the core features

Empower your B2B email strategy with Data Driven Revenue. Our innovative system crafts personalized, relevant cold email, ensuring your message resonates with each prospect. Dive into a new era of email outreach where each communication is a step towards a stronger business relationship.

Personalized Messaging

Our advanced algorithms tailor each email to the recipient, increasing engagement and response rates.

Data-Driven Insights

We leverage your business data to create messages that hit the right note with your target audience.

Scalable Solutions

Whether you're reaching out to a few dozen or several thousand prospects, our system scales with your needs.

Nonstop support

We're one slack chat away!

See What's Inside

How Data Driven Revenue works

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Make your work easier with us

Connect seamlessly with your existing CRM and sales tools. Our platform integrates effortlessly, making your workflow smoother and more efficient.

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User reviews

Hear from our satisfied clients about how Data Driven Revenue transformed their email outreach and opened new avenues for growth and opportunity.

7+ years



Email sent


Increase in positive replies

Joan Wallace


"Since implementing Data Driven Revenue's email strategies, our engagement rates have soared. We're not only reaching more prospects, but we're also seeing a significant increase in meaningful interactions. This service has revolutionized our B2B email campaigns."

Samuel Bishop


"Data Driven Revenue has transformed the way we approach cold emailing. Their personalized approach means our emails are no longer lost in the sea of generic outreach. We've seen a remarkable uptick in positive responses."

Billy Vasquez


"The results from using Data Driven Revenue are incredible. Our conversion rates have doubled, and the feedback from clients has been overwhelmingly positive. They truly understand the art of personalized, data-driven communication."


Lead your market

Choose from our tiered pricing plans - Starter, Growth, and Premium - each designed to meet your unique business requirements. Compare and select the best plan for your journey towards enhanced email outreach.



3 Campaigns
500+ emails sent a day
Personalized AI generated emails
Weekly calls
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most popular

starting at $4,000/m

Everything in Starter, Plus...
Personalized AI generated emails
Managed by our team for 6 months
Train a virtual assistant
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starting at $6,000/m

Everything in Growth, Plus...
Personally train a virtual assistant for you
Unlimited campaigns edits
LinkedIn Growth
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